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Friday, October 26, 2007

Beyond Habitual Patterns

Here is a quote from Chogyam Trungpa (through "Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week") that I thought was particularly relevant to us as Miksangers, even those of us who may not be Shambhalians or Buddhists. Have a look. - ian

October 26, 2007


How on earth, how in the name of heaven and earth can we actually become decent human beings without trying to entertain ourselves from here to the next corner?...It boils down to taking interest in what you see. I have a very frustrated feeling, actually, that when I talk about appreciating red, white, blue, and green, I'm not sure whether you actually appreciate those colors or not. Maybe you think I'm trying to tell you that you should be artists or something. And when I say that you should listen to the sounds that go on in the world, maybe you think I'm trying to tell you to be musicians. And when I talk about the textures of your body -- sense perceptions and feelings -- maybe you think I'm trying to tell you to become salesmen in the garment industry. I'm beginning to wonder.

We are not talking about becoming experts in marketing things, but we are talking about our own situation: how we can actually stop habitual patterns and appreciate the nitty-gritty of the real world on the spot. We can appreciate the bright, beautiful, fantastic world around us; we don't have to feel all that resentful....Once we put a stop to habitual patterns, the vividness, the magic, will begin to descend, and we will begin to become masters of our world -- individually, personally, of course. We will begin to appreciate our world.

From" Overcoming Habitual Patterns," in COLLECTED KALAPA ASSEMBLIES, pages 266 to 267.

All material by Chogyam Trungpa is copyright Diana J. Mukpo and used by permission.

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