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Monday, December 31, 2007

Don't Try to be Artistic!

ik - another pithy and relevant quote from Trungpa. I couldn't resist adding this one too!

Happy New Year to you all!


December 30, 2007


The whole philosophy of art is that you don't try to be artistic but you just approach the objects as they are, and then the message comes automatically. You do the same thing in Japanese flower arrangements. You don't try to be artistic; you just chop off certain twigs and certain branches which seem to be out of line with the flow. You just cut them off and then you put the remaining twigs there in the arrangement, and you put the flowers underneath, and it automatically becomes a whole landscape. Similarly, when you look at a painting by a great artist, it doesn't look like someone actually painted it, but it just seemed to happen by itself. There's no gap, no cracks at all. It's one unit, complete.

From "Visual Dharma: Film Workshop," in the COLLECTED WORKS OF CHOGYAM TRUNGPA, Volume Seven, pages 642-643.

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